Halloween enthusiasts notice cultural shift with the rise of giant decorations.


    Home Depot had big plans in store for a new product just before the pandemic struck in spring 2020: a massive 12-foot skeleton. Lance Allen, a senior merchant at Home Depot, recalled the internal debates about whether it was appropriate to proceed with the launch amid uncertainties surrounding Halloween celebrations that year. Despite the doubts, Home Depot decided to move forward with the 12-foot skeleton, which turned out to be a huge hit. This larger-than-life skeleton, affectionately named “Skelly” by fans worldwide, became a standout decoration during Halloween, surpassing the popularity of any other seasonal item at various stores.

    The arrival of the pandemic shifted consumer behavior, prompting an earlier start to Halloween preparations in 2020. Instead of the usual last-minute shopping for decorations, people began decking out their homes as early as October and even earlier in some cases. The extended decorating period for Halloween has drawn attention from enthusiasts like Mak Ralston and Nate Rambaud, who have observed a noticeable trend towards starting Halloween celebrations earlier each year.

    Mak Ralston, known as Haunt Former on YouTube, emphasized how Halloween enthusiasts engage with their passion year-round, seeing a spike in Halloween-themed merchandise hitting shelves as early as June and July, unlike previous years. Nate Rambaud, or That Guy Nate on YouTube, who explores abandoned stores and Halloween pop-up locations, highlighted the versatility of Halloween as a celebration that appeals to a wide range of people and allows for individual expression without the need for extensive planning or coordination.

    The appeal of Halloween seems to resonate with many due to its inclusive and creative nature, offering a fun and spooky outlet for self-expression. Skelly, now in its fifth year, has undergone improvements to withstand various weather conditions, showing the enduring popularity of Halloween decorations. The rise of social media platforms has also aided in fostering a sense of community among Halloween fans, with groups like the one moderated by artist Jacob Humphrey on Facebook.

    The festive spirit and childhood nostalgia associated with Halloween have contributed to its enduring popularity, with many individuals recalling fond memories of spooky decorations and imaginative play during the season. The universal appeal of Halloween as a celebration is evident in the efforts made by enthusiasts to create elaborate displays and share their love for the holiday with others. Ultimately, Halloween serves as a day of celebration and creativity that allows individuals to embrace their inner extrovert in a uniquely festive and inclusive atmosphere.