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The Texas Rangers’ franchise experienced significant growth by hosting the All-Star Game 29 years ago


Former Rangers president Tom Schieffer fondly recalls the 1995 All-Star Game as a significant moment for the franchise. The game served as a celebration for the team that had been in Texas for over two decades, signaling a return to normalcy following the devastating strike the year before. The event took place at The Ballpark in Arlington, a new stadium that garnered positive reactions and changed the perception of the Rangers within the baseball community.

Before moving to The Ballpark in Arlington, the Rangers played at old Arlington Stadium, which was originally a minor league ballpark. The new retro-style stadium received praise for its design and historical references, marking a new era for the team. Since then, the Rangers have relocated to Globe Life Field, now in its fifth season under a retractable roof.

Schieffer, an early investor in the Rangers, played a crucial role in the development of The Ballpark in Arlington through a public-private partnership with the city of Arlington. The stadium hosted the first All-Star Game in the Dallas area, attracting attention and accolades from fans and the MLB community.

The old Arlington Stadium, where iconic moments like Nolan Ryan’s 5,000th career strikeout and George Brett’s final hit occurred, was eventually converted into a football field. Despite its transformation, the stadium holds sentimental value for those who remember it as a baseball landmark.

As the MLB utilizes the old ballpark for All-Star Village activities, Schieffer reflects on the memories and legacy of the stadium. While he chooses not to revisit the now-football field, he treasures the history and nostalgia associated with what he considers a baseball cathedral.




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