In the new film “COUP!” set during the early days of the 1918 pandemic, a mysterious chef played by Peter Sarsgaard arrives at a wealthy family’s estate. The chef, a worldly and mischievous character, challenges his employer, a self-proclaimed progressive journalist portrayed by Billy Magnussen, within the confines of the isolated estate as the outside world shuts down. The film, in theaters on Friday, presents a mix of comedic and tragic moments.
Magnussen expressed immediate admiration for the original script of “COUP!” which drew inspiration from various sources like playwright Harold Pinter and filmmakers like Luis Buñuel and the Coen brothers. When asked to be part of the project by co-writers and directors Austin Stark and Joseph Schuman, Magnussen not only accepted but also brought his production company HappyBad Bungalow on board.
Sarsgaard, who played the intriguing chef character Floyd, became an executive producer to ensure the film’s production stayed within budget while maintaining creativity, including utilizing one main location. The co-directors praised Sarsgaard’s contributions to the character, noting his understanding of their twisted humor.
The film “COUP!” premiered at the Venice Film Festival last year to acclaim, yet faces challenges reaching audiences due to being distributed by Greenwich Entertainment. Despite the competitive landscape in Hollywood with numerous remakes and blockbusters, there is a growing interest in original film ventures like “COUP!” that rely on word of mouth for recognition.
In a climate dominated by heavy news, Sarsgaard believes “COUP!” offers a lighthearted escape rather than deep reflection, emphasizing its absurd and entertaining nature. Amidst the summer movie lineup, there is a noticeable appreciation for unique storytelling, as demonstrated by the rising popularity of original films like “COUP!” without the backing of major marketing campaigns.
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