Home Stars & Entertainment Renowned bass guitarist Herbie Flowers, known for collaborations with David Bowie, Lou...

Renowned bass guitarist Herbie Flowers, known for collaborations with David Bowie, Lou Reed, and other artists, passes away at age 86


Bass guitarist Herbie Flowers, known for his collaboration with music icons such as David Bowie, Elton John, and Lou Reed, passed away at the age of 86. His family shared the news of his death on Facebook. Flowers was a pivotal member of the pop band Blue Mink and later joined T Rex. One of his most recognized works was the distinctive bassline in Lou Reed’s “Walk On The Wild Side” from the 1972 album “Transformer.” He also contributed to hits like Bowie’s “Space Oddity,” Bryan Ferry’s “The Bride Stripped Bare,” and Paul McCartney’s “Give My Regards To Broad Street.” Additionally, Flowers played on two of Elton John’s early ’70s albums, among other projects. The tribute from Bowie’s estate highlighted Flowers’ extensive contributions to Bowie’s music and the music industry as a whole.

Tim Burgess, from The Charlatans, praised Flowers on a social media platform, noting how Flowers enhanced the work of already legendary artists. Flowers also established the instrumental rock group Sky in the late 1970s, where he was involved in the release of seven albums. With immense talent and a delightful personality, Flowers’ impact on the music world will be truly missed.




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