In Lucknow, India, over 120 individuals lost their lives in a tragic stampede following a religious gathering in northern India, marking one of the deadliest incidents of its kind in recent years. The occurrence took place as the large event, overseen by a Hindu guru known locally as Bhole Baba, was concluding. Authorities are currently investigating the incident, suggesting that factors such as overcrowding, inadequate exits, adverse weather conditions, and other elements might have contributed to the high death toll.
The event took place in a sizeable tent in a village located in the Hathras district within Uttar Pradesh state, amidst intense heat and humidity. Reports indicate that the enclosed nature of the tent led to suffocation, creating discomfort and panic among attendees, according to senior police officer Shalabh Mathur. The event, sanctioned for 80,000 individuals, saw a turnout of approximately 250,000 people and was held in a muddy field, lacking clarity on how many were inside the tent.
The preacher Bhole Baba, whose real name is Suraj Pal, is a Dalit and former policeman who left his job in the late 1990s to pursue preaching. Known for his white attire and mirrored aviator sunglasses, he holds significant popularity in Uttar Pradesh and neighboring regions, particularly among followers from lower castes, women, and the economically disadvantaged. Bhole runs two ashrams in Uttar Pradesh and conducts weekly religious gatherings known as satsangs, emphasizing a simple and virtuous lifestyle.
Stampedes in India are not uncommon, particularly during religious festivities that draw massive crowds, often in confined spaces with inadequate infrastructure and safety measures. The incident on Tuesday highlights the ongoing issue of events being organized without sufficient preparations, crowd control measures, or proper permissions. According to disaster management expert Sanjay Srivastava, such functions are frequently held without adherence to safety guidelines, with the recent event flouting general safety norms by lacking multiple marked exits in the temporary tent.
The tragedy in India is a grim reminder of the risks faced during large gatherings without adequate safety measures in place, echoing similar past incidents in the country where stampedes have led to substantial loss of life.Officials are now focused on understanding the factors that led to this tragedy and preventing such incidents from occurring in the future.