A devastating fire at the Plaza Latina Bazaar in Dallas claimed the lives of 579 animals, primarily small birds, due to smoke inhalation. While no human injuries were reported, the blaze caused severe structural damage, including a partial roof collapse.
Pet shop directly affected by smoke
Although the fire did not reach the pet shop inside the mall, thick smoke filled the area, leading to the tragic loss of all the animals within. Rescue efforts by Dallas Fire-Rescue personnel were ultimately unsuccessful in saving the animals.
Variety of animals lost in the blaze
Dallas Animal Services removed a range of animals, including small birds, chickens, hamsters, two dogs, and two cats. Exotic animals, usually sold at the pet shop, were not on site during the incident.
Fire alarm system saved lives of building occupants
Three individuals were inside the building when the fire broke out but escaped safely thanks to the building’s fire alarm and sprinkler system. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
Community mourns tragic loss
The Plaza Latina Bazaar expressed grief on social media, requesting prayers for the families impacted by the fire. The loss of the animals has left a significant emotional impact on the community.