Hall of Fame recognizes three equipment managers


    CANTON, Ohio — In 2025, three esteemed equipment managers will be recognized with the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s Awards of Excellence. Honorees Tom Gray, Dennis Ryan, and George Luongo were announced on Tuesday as part of the fourth group selected for this prestigious accolade.

    Tom Gray dedicated his career to the Cincinnati football team from its founding in the AFL in 1968. Remarkably, Gray never missed a single game over the course of 31 years, a total of 644 games spanning preseason, regular season, and playoffs until his retirement in 1999.

    Dennis Ryan embarked on his career with the Minnesota team in 1975 as a young part-time worker. By 1981, at just 21 years old, he became the NFL’s youngest equipment manager. Over his 47-year tenure, Ryan demonstrated remarkable dedication, attending 705 consecutive games. It was only the restrictions from COVID-19 protocols that interrupted his presence on the sidelines.

    George Luongo served as an equipment manager from the Patriots’ early days in the AFL in 1960 and remained until his retirement in 1993. Throughout his lengthy career, Luongo was unfailingly present on game days, contributing significantly to the team.

    Alongside these equipment managers, the Awards of Excellence will also honor longtime assistant coaches Dick Hoak, Elijah Pitts, and Jim McNally. Public relations professionals Pete Abitante, Jason Jenkins, and Bill Keenist, along with athletic trainers Ed Block, Pepper Burruss, and John Norwig, have also been recognized. These awards will be presented in an upcoming ceremony slated for June. Further announcements regarding the honorees for film and video direction will be made by the Hall.