Michigan County to eliminate Bible verse of ‘peacemakers’ from jail entryway


    MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. — A Bible verse has been decided to be taken down from the entryway of a newly constructed jail in central Michigan after concerns were raised regarding its implications as a government endorsement of religion.

    The verse in question, “Blessed are the peacekeepers for they shall be called the children of God,” is a quote attributed to Jesus Christ, found in the New Testament.

    Sheriff Michael Main expressed that the intent behind featuring the verse was to pay tribute to first responders and law enforcement officers rather than to promote any particular religion. However, he confirmed that the quotation would be removed to address the concerns raised, as reported by the Morning Sun.

    “To ensure that the intended message remains clear and inclusive, we will develop a new slogan that continues to express our appreciation for public safety personnel,” Sheriff Main stated.

    A letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, based in Wisconsin, addressed county officials highlighting that the inscription could infringe on U.S. Supreme Court rulings regarding the separation of church and state.

    “This is explicitly a Christian quote, and only a Christian quote,” attorney Samantha Lawrence asserted in her communication.

    The new jail is set to open soon, following these adjustments to the messaging at its entrance.