Trial commences for leader of neo-Nazi faction charged with conspiring to assault power grid


    BALTIMORE — A trial has commenced for Brandon Russell, the founder of a neo-Nazi organization based in Florida, who is facing charges for conspiring to attack Maryland’s power grid. Federal prosecutors stated on Tuesday that the focus of the trial, which is expected to span two weeks in Baltimore federal court, is not solely on Russell’s extremist beliefs but rather on his readiness to act upon them.

    Russell, aged 29, is accused of encouraging his former girlfriend, Sarah Beth Clendaniel, to execute the power grid attack with the intent to incite chaos, aligning with their mutual white supremacist ideology. They were arrested in February 2023, prior to implementing their plans.

    Prosecutor Michael Aubin emphasized in his opening statement that Russell believed he was in “a war for his race, the white race.” The prosecution asserts that Russell and Clendaniel planned to orchestrate a series of sniper assaults on various electrical substations surrounding Baltimore, potential actions that could have caused considerable disruption to the local power network. Their alleged motive was to incite chaos in a predominantly Black city and provoke a larger racial conflict.

    However, defense attorney Ian Goldstein claimed that Russell’s involvement in the conspiracy was minimal, describing the case as a “setup from the very beginning.” He shifted the weight of the plot onto Clendaniel and a confidential informant that she had connected with through Russell.

    Clendaniel, who is 36 years old, previously pleaded guilty to her role in the conspiracy and received an 18-year prison sentence in September.

    Russell appeared in court donned in a light blue jacket and glasses, appearing upbeat and frequently consulting with his attorney. Goldstein articulated that beliefs alone should not lead to incarceration, labeling his client’s views as distasteful to the majority of people.

    Russell’s history with law enforcement began following a double homicide in 2017 in Tampa, where he was found outside an apartment weeping in military attire. Although authorities cleared him of any involvement, their investigation uncovered a cache of explosive materials alongside neo-Nazi literature and paraphernalia. At the time, Russell was serving in the Florida National Guard and attending the University of South Florida.

    Federal agents assert that Russell co-founded the Atomwaffen Division, a neo-Nazi group, and had flyers promoting a race war in his possession. He also owned a framed photograph of Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrator of the Oklahoma City bombing, and was known to read extremist literature like “Mein Kampf” and “The Turner Diaries.”

    One of Russell’s former roommates, Devon Arthurs, who later confessed to killing his roommates, explained to detectives that he committed the murders largely due to the teasing he received after converting to Islam and to prevent a potential Atomwaffen attack. Prosecutors noted that Arthurs claimed Russell had the resources to launch assaults on civilians and strategic infrastructures, including power lines.

    In a past legal case, Goldstein represented Russell, arguing that mere possession of explosives did not equate to intent to cause harm. Goldstein contended that Russell had suffered significant trauma from his roommates’ deaths and had existing mental health challenges. Family members described him as someone searching for belonging and striving to impress his peers.

    Russell ultimately pleaded guilty to charges related to the possession of an unregistered destructive device and handling of explosive materials, resulting in a five-year prison sentence that was handed down in 2018. During his sentencing in Tampa, a federal judge expressed concern regarding the potential for Russell to align with dangerous individuals in prison.

    Years later, authorities discovered Russell’s connection with Clendaniel, who exchanged letters with him when they were both imprisoned. Their romantic relationship continued following their releases, as demonstrated in court records.

    Clendaniel’s defense attorney contended that her tumultuous upbringing and battles with addiction rendered her particularly susceptible to influences like Russell and other extremists. Records reveal that she discussed plans with a confidential informant about acquiring a firearm to target five electrical substations encircling Baltimore.

    When she had the opportunity to speak during her sentencing, Clendaniel reaffirmed her nationalist beliefs, stating, “It’s true, your honor, I do still hold National Socialist beliefs.” However, she expressed that she would not cross a line by acting upon them, attributing her involvement in the plot to severe health issues, including what she feared was terminal kidney failure.

    As Russell’s trial progresses, his attorney has presented Clendaniel’s mental health as evidence of her desperation to execute the attack while claiming that Russell was “many miles away” in Orlando with no intention to participate directly in the Maryland plot.