United Nations calls for a stop to increasing hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli military


    The United Nations Security Council issued a demand for an immediate halt to the escalating attacks between Israel and Hezbollah militants in Lebanon. The council warned that the situation carries a high risk of triggering a widespread conflict and unanimously approved a resolution calling for calm, restraint, and stability along the UN-drawn boundary between the two countries.
    The resolution also extended the mandate of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon, known as UNIFIL, which has been present in the region since 1978. UNIFIL was originally tasked with overseeing the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon following Israel’s invasion in 1978. After the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, the UN expanded UNIFIL’s mission to assist the Lebanese military in extending its authority into southern Lebanon.
    There have been allegations from Hezbollah supporters in Lebanon claiming that the UN mission colludes with Israel, while Israel has accused the peacekeepers of overlooking Hezbollah’s military activities in the region. Amidst the ongoing clashes, UNIFIL facilities and vehicles have been targeted by shelling and gunfire multiple times. A recent incident earlier this month led to three peacekeepers being lightly injured during a patrol when an explosion occurred near their vehicle.