MUMBAI, India — Renowned Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured during an altercation with an intruder at his residence early Thursday morning, according to various media reports. The 54-year-old star was swiftly transported to a local hospital in Mumbai, the nation’s hub for finance and entertainment, where he resides with his actress wife, Kareena Kapoor, and their two sons.
Reports indicate that Khan sustained multiple stab wounds, with two of them being particularly severe, including one located near his spine, as noted by a physician at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital. The police have stated that the assailant forcibly entered the actor’s home around 2:30 a.m. and fled the scene after attacking Khan. Additionally, a female staff member at the home suffered injuries during the incident and is currently receiving medical care.
Authorities are actively pursuing an investigation and have initiated a manhunt for the culprit. In the wake of these distressing events, Kapoor issued a public statement reassuring fans and the media that the family is doing well. She urged everyone to remain patient and refrain from making further assumptions as law enforcement continues their inquiries.
Saif Ali Khan is not only a celebrated actor but also a film producer, having starred in approximately 70 movies and TV series throughout his career. He hails from a distinguished family; his father was Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, a famous Indian cricket captain, and his mother is acclaimed Bollywood star Sharmila Tagore.
Khan has garnered numerous accolades for his performances in Hindi cinema, including seven Filmfare Awards. In recognition of his contributions to the arts, he was honored with the Padma Shri in 2010, the fourth highest civilian award in India.