Home Entertainment Movies Jason Schwartzman and Carol Kane develop an unexpected bond in the film...

Jason Schwartzman and Carol Kane develop an unexpected bond in the film ‘Between the Temples’.


Filmmaker Nathan Silver was struck with inspiration for his new film, “Between the Temples,” while battling COVID-19. The story delves into an unlikely bond between a cantor, Ben, and an older woman, Carla, who wishes to prepare for a bat mitzvah. Jason Schwartzman portrays Ben, while the role of Carla was shaped around Nathan’s mother and eventually given to Carol Kane.

Despite never having worked together before, Kane and Schwartzman effortlessly connected, breathing life into their characters even through virtual Zoom meetings. The film, acquired by Sony Pictures Classics after premiering at Sundance Film Festival, has garnered praise for its performances and its unique 1970s-style screwball comedy.

Set against a backdrop of Judaism, “Between the Temples” explores profound questions about life and faith. Silver believes in celebrating the idea of questioning one’s reality, emphasizing a faith in the absurd and a brighter future ahead.

The movie refrains from fitting into traditional labels such as May-December romance, with Schwartzman likening the characters’ relationship to guiding each other towards the next chapter of their lives. The aesthetic of the film, shot on film to evoke warmth and vitality, complements the narrative and characters.

Silver drew inspiration from various sources, including 1970s Soviet filmmakers, folk singer Sibylle Baier, and films like “Bringing Up Baby” and “Toni Erdmann.” For Schwartzman, the music of the late David Berman, whose lyrics resonated deeply, played a crucial role in shaping his character’s emotional depth throughout the film.

The film’s soundtrack, including Berman’s poignant song “All My Happiness Is Gone,” helped Schwartzman tap into the essence of the movie during filming. The blend of storytelling, performances, and artistic choices establishes “Between the Temples” as a captivating exploration of human connection, faith, and finding light in darkness.




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