Uncertainty Clouds Workplace Expectations


    NEW YORK — Upon starting her new role at a community college in North Carolina as a coach for first-generation college students, Nikelle Inman envisioned engaging in mentorship and resource-sharing. However, she soon found herself entangled in administrative tasks, specifically processing student applications, preventing her from the personal interactions she had hoped for in this role. This deviation left Inman, 34, feeling undervalued and disconnected from her job’s intended impact.

    Experiencing a mismatch between job expectations and reality is increasingly common among U.S. workers, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped work dynamics. A recent Gallup analysis reveals that many employees, like Inman, are grappling with unclear role expectations. The survey, conducted in November, indicates that less than half of U.S. employees are confident in understanding what their job duties entail—a decline from 56% in January 2020.

    Gallup’s findings highlight that new or younger employees, those in white-collar roles, and individuals in hybrid work settings report heightened confusion regarding job expectations. This stems from the numerous challenges faced by workers and managers attempting to adapt since the pandemic’s onset five years ago. In the latter part of 2024, Gallup reported that around a quarter of employees capable of remote work did so exclusively, a notable increase from 2019. Moreover, about 55% operated in a blend of remote and on-site settings, compared to one-third in 2019.

    Recent job cuts in technology, government, and other sectors have exacerbated workload challenges, leaving fewer employees to shoulder expanded responsibilities without a corresponding adjustment in expectations. “With all the rounds of layoffs, people’s scope and responsibilities are shifting constantly,” explains Jeremy Guttenplan, an executive leadership coach in New York. “The workload is just being added to those who remain.”

    Here are methods to reduce ambiguity when job roles are unclear:

    **Establish Expectations Early**
    Clearly defining project roles or new positions at the outset helps align everyone on objectives and timelines. Written agreements can ward off later misunderstandings. For instance, when confronted with an impossible timeline for a TikTok project, Amber Krasinski of IvyHill Strategies declined the opportunity, aware it would ultimately be unmanageable. She frequently updates clients on progress and clarifies expectations upfront, ensuring all parties are aligned.

    **Seek Frequent Feedback**
    Regular communication with supervisors can help clarify role expectations and priorities. Organizations can foster this connection through varied forum formats, such as IA Business Advisors’ weekly gratitude sessions that focus on problem resolution and acknowledging achievements.

    **Initiate Conversations**
    Employees should proactively seek clarification on priorities and expectations when necessary. Open communication is crucial, particularly in environments where asking questions might be perceived as challenging authority. Approaching these conversations with clarity and willingness can lead to better alignment and understanding.

    **Trust Your Instincts**
    Realigning one’s priorities amid frequent changes is vital. Inman suggests staying true to one’s professional values, whether by advocating for improvements within the role or seeking new opportunities elsewhere.

    Navigating ever-changing workplace dynamics necessitates an understanding of one’s job scope and expectations. Adjusting expectations and maintaining open communication help manage these challenges effectively.