Rio Carnival’s Dog Parade: Pups as Heroes & Cartoons


    RIO DE JANEIRO — Carnival celebrations in Rio de Janeiro began with excitement as dogs took center stage at a festive procession, delighting onlookers in the city’s famous dog-themed street party. Precious pooches donned costumes resembling superheroes, clowns, and well-loved cartoon figures, joining their humans for this lively event.

    About a hundred canine companions shook their tails to the rhythms of samba music during the Blocao street party. Approximately 300 people, accompanied by their furry friends, filled the Barra da Tijuca neighborhood, situated on Rio’s western side.

    Priscila dos Santos Silva, a nurse participating in the festivities, shared her enthusiasm: “I think this is just wonderful, I’ve come for many years,” she said as she stood with her Chihuahua, Sol, dressed adorably as a doll. “It is great to see this interaction between pets and families. It is a lot of joy and it is good for everyone. It is a different kind of Carnival.”

    At 71, Antonio Marinho noted that this year’s Blocao ensured greater comfort for the dogs, given the humid 30-degree Celsius (86 Fahrenheit) weather of the morning. To prevent canine discomfort, the parade was restricted to a shaded area to shield their tender paws from the hot pavement, and a hydration station was provided.

    “We won’t come out on the pavement because it’s hot. Out of respect for the pets, we will stay still under this wonderful shade,” Marinho commented. “Here we have kids, the elderly, and many dogs.”

    The event’s name, Blocao, cleverly combines “bloco,” meaning Carnival street celebration, with “cao,” the Portuguese word for dog. Among the few happenings that persisted despite restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Blocao has maintained its popularity for over two decades, defying a city ban on street parties when Brazil bore heavy burdens from the virus.