California Judge’s Accidental Gunshot Led to Wife’s Death


    In Santa Ana, California, the legal proceedings for an Orange County judge accused of fatally shooting his wife are underway, with his lawyer asserting the shooting was an accident. Jeffrey Ferguson, a 74-year-old judge who previously handled criminal cases, is accused of killing his wife, Sheryl, in August 2023 following an argument over family finances as they watched television. Ferguson’s lawyer, Cameron J. Talley, contends that his client, under the influence of alcohol, accidentally fired the gun as he attempted to place it on a table after removing it from his ankle holster.

    During his opening statement in the courtroom located a short distance from where Ferguson used to preside over cases, Talley explained to the jury that Ferguson, an admitted alcoholic, unintentionally discharged the weapon. The lawyer described the event as “dreamlike” for Ferguson, stating that his intoxicated state exacerbated the situation. Despite these claims, prosecutors maintain that Ferguson intentionally shot Sheryl after an earlier altercation during a dinner with their son.

    According to the prosecution, Ferguson allegedly made a threatening gun hand gesture toward Sheryl during the dinner, leading to a continued argument at their home. Seton Hunt, the prosecutor, claimed Sheryl dared Ferguson to aim a real gun, which resulted in the tragic shooting. Ferguson’s arrest was followed by a confession captured on police video, where he expressed remorse and asked to be convicted.

    Throughout the trial, Ferguson, previously a prosecutor himself, has been visibly emotional, shedding tears at the defense table. The presiding judge, Eleanor J. Hunter, stressed the importance of composure, disallowing visible displays of crying from the witness stand. Alongside witness testimonies, the trial features significant video evidence from the scene and recordings from the police station, illustrating Ferguson’s distress post-arrest.

    Authorities discovered a substantial cache of weapons and ammunition in Ferguson’s home, raising questions about his experience with firearms. His son, Phillip, testified that his father had taught him about firearm safety. The incident prompted immediate 911 calls from both Ferguson and his son, while Ferguson also texted his court staff, admitting to shooting his wife and indicating his absence from court.

    Initially granted bail, Ferguson was taken back into custody for violating bail conditions by reportedly consuming alcohol, leading to an increased bail amount. He has served as a judge in Orange County for ten years but is presently not presiding over cases in light of the ongoing felony charge. Despite the serious legal challenges, Ferguson continues to receive his salary as per state regulations.

    Jeffrey Ferguson’s legal career began in the district attorney’s office in 1983, where he garnered recognition for his work in narcotics cases. He also held leadership positions within legal associations. However, his career has not been without controversy. In 2017, he faced reprimands for a social media post against a judicial candidate and for being Facebook friends with attorneys appearing in his court. Ferguson’s history, from his upbringing in a military family to his marriage in 1996, adds to the complexity of his current situation amidst the ongoing legal battle.