39-Year-Old Mother Experiences Cardiac Arrest While on Family Trip to Water Park


    On a Fourth of July weekend, Tara and Tyler Yell decided to have fun at a water park located about 90 minutes from their home in Frisco, Texas. Accompanied by their children, 10-year-old Emerson and 4-year-old Declan, the family enjoyed various rides and splashed in the water together. However, while they were having a great time, Tara suddenly began to feel unwell with dizziness and an accelerated heartbeat. Notably, this was the first occasion since she had received what she referred to as her “panic pills” that she felt the need to take one.

    Tara had been prescribed beta blockers two years prior, in 2020, after experiencing rapid heartbeats at her job teaching first graders. She was subsequently diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia, commonly known as SVT, a condition characterized by an unusually fast heart rate due to irregular electrical signals in the heart. Although the physicians were not overly concerned, they recommended that Tara take beta blockers when necessary. In the spring of 2022, she experienced a couple of minor episodes but felt they didn’t warrant medication. Though she occasionally noticed her vision fading, it would quickly come back. By June of that year, after the school term had finished, Tara consulted a cardiologist. The doctor reassured her that, given her good health, active lifestyle, and age of 39, her symptoms were likely related to stress. This diagnosis didn’t sit well with Tara, who was typically calm and collected.

    Unfortunately, Tara’s troubling episode at the water park unfolded less than a month after her doctor’s visit while she felt relaxed and happy. Concerned about her well-being, Tyler offered to retrieve her medication from their camper, but Tara urged him not to leave her alone with the children, which signaled to Tyler that the situation was serious. They decided to head home immediately, but Tara requested a quick stop at the restroom. Tyler observed that Tara was walking unsteadily, prompting him to ask Emerson to keep an eye on her while he packed up their belongings with Declan. In just about a minute, Emerson came running back, shouting that their mother had collapsed.

    Tyler rushed to the restroom to discover Tara unconscious inside a locked stall. He had to climb over the stall to unlock it and pull her out, only to find that she wasn’t breathing. He called for help, and a nearby lifeguard quickly responded, initiating chest compressions. Moments later, firefighters arrived and took over, using an automated external defibrillator (AED) to revive her heart. After several shocks, a stable heart rhythm was reestablished. However, while in the ambulance, Tara’s heart failed again and required another AED shock to bring it back.

    Tara had suffered cardiac arrest, caused by erratic electrical signals in her heart. To help her body recover from the trauma and minimize potential brain damage, she was placed in an induced coma. When Tara began to regain consciousness three days later, a neurologist informed Tyler that her cognitive abilities might be at risk, leaving him anxious. The following day, while Tyler and a close friend were with her, they encouraged her with heartfelt words. Miraculously, Tara responded with a blink. A pulmonologist advised Tyler to be emphatic in his encouragement, leading him to shout affirmations of love from their family. Encouragingly, Tara blinked in response again. To everyone’s joyous relief, three days following her revival, the ventilator was removed, allowing her to breathe independently once more.

    Despite extensive medical evaluations, the root cause of Tara’s cardiac arrest remained unidentified; it was confirmed that she did not have the SVT condition she was originally diagnosed with. Therefore, to ensure her heart health and prevent further episodes, Tara received an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) positioned in her chest, which would monitor her heart and deliver shocks if necessary. In the ensuing weeks, Tara faced challenges regaining her physical, motor, and cognitive skills. She embarked on a journey of rehabilitation that included physical, occupational, and speech therapy to address muscle loss and cognitive delays. With her characteristic tenacity, she was determined to be an exemplary patient during her recovery, often reflecting on the progress she made during therapy.

    Back at home, support came from her mother-in-law and aunt, who stepped in to help navigate daily routines at the house. When Tara returned to her family, she had to relearn certain skills, including navigating stairs, which prohibited her from accessing her children’s bedrooms. One of her motivations was to regain the ability to brush Declan’s teeth and tuck him and Emerson into bed each night. For nearly three months, she visited outpatient rehabilitation daily, tapping into her memories of being a student as she humorously packed for her daily “school” sessions.

    After five months of recovery, Tara returned to her teaching job in December 2022. Although she still grapples with fatigue and emotional challenges, she is grateful to be back in her classroom, even if her multitasking skills have diminished, and her movements feel less fluid. Alongside the major life transitions, Tara and Tyler found new avenues to express their gratitude for her second chance at life. They both took CPR classes and actively encourage others to learn this vital skill. More importantly, they cherish the extensive support they received from the community. On the second day home, friends and family organized a celebratory drive-by parade, uplifting their spirits.

    As a family, they have also committed to exploring national parks together, with a goal to visit fifteen parks by the end of the year. Tara shares that they aim to embody the spirit of the motto she had printed on T-shirts during fundraising for heart disease awareness: “Enjoy every moment.” Their story stands as an inspiring testament to resilience, hope, and the importance of cherishing every heartbeat.