Nielsen reports that Christmas saw the highest streaming viewership recorded to date.


    NEW YORK — Christmas 2023 became a significant moment in the landscape of media consumption, with streaming platforms achieving unprecedented viewership, as reported by Nielsen.

    On that festive day, Netflix showcased two NFL games, featuring a halftime performance by Beyoncé during the matchup between the Houston Texans and the Baltimore Ravens, drawing in vast audiences.

    According to Nielsen’s data, nearly half of all television viewing in the United States on Christmas day was spent on streaming services, illustrating the marked shift from traditional television to digital platforms over the past decade.

    This holiday marked the first occasion that Nielsen recorded streaming services surpassing 50 billion viewing minutes in a single day. While the NFL games garnered significant attention, other platforms also performed well, airing classic holiday films such as “Elf” and “Home Alone.”

    Shortly after, Nielsen revealed that the second most-streamed day in history occurred two weeks later, coinciding with Prime Video broadcasting an NFL Wild Card game, further highlighting the increasing popularity of streaming services in sports and entertainment.