Pope Francis trips during his arrival at Jubilee audience in the Vatican after his cane breaks


    VATICAN CITY — During a recent audience on Saturday, Pope Francis experienced a minor mishap as he entered the Vatican auditorium; the handle of his walking stick broke, causing him to trip, although he managed to remain on his feet.

    At 88 years old, the pope frequently relies on a wheelchair or cane due to knee issues and has faced two falls in the last couple of months. Following the slight stumble, two aides assisted him to his chair on the stage, and the audience continued without further disruption. Once he regained his composure, a member of the crowd exclaimed “Viva il Papa,” prompting applause from those present.

    Earlier this month, the pope fell and sustained a minor injury to his right arm. While it was not broken, he was placed in a sling for safety precautions. In a separate incident on December 7, he accidentally hit his chin against his nightstand during a fall, resulting in a significant bruise.

    Pope Francis has faced numerous health challenges over the years, including recurring bronchitis. He has been observed using either a walker or cane while moving through the Vatican’s Santa Marta hotel, where he resides.

    In the Vatican, discussions regarding Francis’ health are frequent, especially after Pope Benedict XVI made the unprecedented decision to resign from the papacy in 2013, breaking a tradition that had persisted for six centuries. It is noted that Benedict’s resignation came after he fell during a trip to Mexico in 2012, leading him to conclude that he could no longer meet the demanding travel schedule that the role of pope requires.

    Despite alluding to the precedent set by his predecessor, Francis has emphasized that he has no immediate intentions to step down. In his newly released autobiography “Hope,” he mentioned that even following a significant intestinal operation, he never entertained thoughts of resigning.