The ‘Mona Lisa’ set to receive a dedicated space in a significant Louvre renovation.


    PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron revealed on Tuesday that the iconic “Mona Lisa” will be given its own special room within the Louvre museum as part of a significant renovation and expansion project that could last up to ten years. This extensive revitalization effort, named “Louvre New Renaissance,” will introduce a new entrance situated near the Seine River, expected to be completed by 2031.

    Although President Macron did not specify the budget for this modernization initiative aimed at improving the world’s most visited museum, it has been projected to cost between 700 million and 800 million euros (approximately $730 to $834 million). The Louvre’s last significant upgrade was in the 1980s, highlighted by the unveiling of its iconic glass pyramid.

    The renovation aims to enhance the visitor experience at the museum, providing a dedicated space for the “Mona Lisa.” This new arrangement will allow guests to access the painting through a special ticket, facilitating a streamlined visit for those specifically interested in viewing the masterpiece while reducing congestion for other visitors exploring the museum. Macron emphasized that the “Mona Lisa” will be displayed in a manner that reflects its esteemed status.

    Currently, the painting is housed behind protective glass in the museum’s largest gallery, where it competes for attention amid long lines of tourists eager to photograph the famous portrait of the woman with the captivating smile. This setting often leads to many other notable works by Venetian artists such as Titian and Veronese being overlooked.

    The Louvre witnessed an influx of 8.7 million visitors last year, significantly exceeding its original design capacity of 4 million annual guests established during the 1980s renovations. Over 75% of these visitors hailed from abroad, primarily the United States, China, and neighboring countries including Italy, the U.K., Germany, and Spain.

    To finance the improvements, Macron announced plans for the new entrance to be developed by 2031, funded through ticket sales, sponsorships, and revenues generated from the museum’s Abu Dhabi branch. He also indicated that a design competition will be held in the upcoming months, alongside the creation of additional underground spaces to further expand the museum.

    In discussing funding, a senior official mentioned that the renovation costs are estimated to be between 700 to 800 million euros ($730 to $834 million) over the coming decade, with about half earmarked for the new entrance. Ticket prices for foreign visitors from outside the European Union will increase from the current rate of 22 euros ($23) to help support these changes. Macron assured that the revamped museum would enhance safety and comfort for both visitors and staff.

    Drawing a parallel to the recent reopening of Notre Dame, Macron expressed that the redesigned, restored, and expanded Louvre would serve as a center for art history both in France and internationally. The financing of the project will come from a combination of government contributions, comprising half of the overall budget, and private sources including ticket revenue, sales from restaurants, shops, event bookings, and contributions from patrons and partners.

    The announcement of the renovation follows concerns raised by Louvre Director Laurence des Cars, who alerted Culture Minister Rachida Dati about the museum’s susceptibility to “obsolescence.” In a document reported by a local newspaper, she highlighted issues such as water leaks, fluctuations in temperature, and other factors that could jeopardize the preservation of the museum’s artistic treasures.

    Additionally, des Cars pointed out that the entrance pyramid, established in 1989, now seems outdated and inadequately insulated against exterior temperatures while amplifying noise, creating an uncomfortable environment for both visitors and employees. She also noted deficiencies in food service options and restroom facilities within the museum.