Paul McCartney expresses concern over AI potentially exploiting artists.


    LONDON — Paul McCartney has expressed his concerns regarding proposed changes to copyright laws in the UK that could allow artificial intelligence companies to utilize copyrighted works without the permission of the creators. He believes such changes could jeopardize the rights of artists and harm the creative industries within the country.

    The British government is currently seeking input on a proposal that would enable tech companies to use copyrighted materials for the training of AI models unless the original creators specifically opt out. During an interview with the BBC, which is set to air on Sunday, McCartney emphasized this shift would hinder artists’ ability to maintain control over their creations.

    “There are young talent emerging who write incredible songs, only to find that they do not have rights to their own work, allowing anyone to take advantage of it,” stated the 82-year-old musician. A preview of this interview was made available by the BBC prior to its full release.

    McCartney further highlighted the financial ramifications of these changes, noting, “The reality is that money is flowing in a certain direction. When music is streamed, someone profits from it, and it ought to be the creator, not a large tech corporation.”

    The Labour Party government of the UK aims to position the nation as a frontrunner in artificial intelligence development. In December, they initiated a consultation focusing on how copyright legislation could allow creators and rights holders to maintain control and seek compensation when their works are used for AI training while also granting AI developers access to a diverse array of high-quality content.

    Various groups, including publishers, artists’ organizations, and media outlets, have united under the Creative Rights in AI Coalition to contest any weakening of copyright protections.

    “We are the citizens, and you are our government. It’s your responsibility to safeguard us,” McCartney commented. “If legislation is being pushed forward, it’s crucial to ensure protection for creative individuals or else they will no longer exist.”