UK regulator focuses on Apple and Google’s mobile platforms through new digital market regulations.


    LONDON — The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in the UK is intensifying its examination of Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS, as it announced new investigations on Thursday. This scrutiny arises under recently obtained powers aimed at addressing potential abuses within the digital market.

    The CMA has initiated separate inquiries to assess whether the mobile ecosystems managed by both tech giants deserve “strategic market status.” Achieving this status could necessitate significant changes in the operational practices of these companies.

    Following the rollout of new digital market regulations at the beginning of the year, the CMA is exercising its reinforced regulatory authority. This agency has already initiated an investigation into Google’s search advertising practices, underscoring its commitment to shielding consumers and businesses from the potential unfair activities of major technology companies.

    The current investigations will focus on whether Apple or Google’s mobile operating systems, app stores, and web browsers provide them a dominating position within the market. The CMA is particularly interested in assessing competitive dynamics and identifying any obstacles that might hinder rival offerings.

    Additionally, the investigations will explore whether Apple or Google are giving preferential treatment to their own applications and services, which frequently come pre-installed and prominently featured on iOS and Android devices. Prominent examples include Google’s YouTube and Apple’s Safari browser.

    The watchdog will also assess “exploitative conduct” practices, investigating whether either tech company imposes “unfair terms and conditions” on app developers as a requirement for app distribution on their platforms.

    The CMA aims to conclude this investigation by October. Depending on its findings, it holds the power to compel either company to make adjustments, such as allowing other apps access to essential functions or permitting users to download applications from sources beyond their proprietary app stores.

    In response, both Google and Apple have expressed their commitment to working “constructively” with the UK regulator throughout this investigation.

    Google has highlighted that “Android’s openness has contributed to a greater range of choices, lower costs, and more accessible smartphone and app markets.” The company advocates for solutions that do not hinder consumer and business opportunities or risk the economic growth of the UK.

    Conversely, Apple has emphasized its belief in vibrant and competitive markets that foster innovation. They state that they encounter competition in every market section and location they operate, affirming that their foremost concern remains the trust of their user base.