Ex-Royals goalkeeper claims NWSL team subjected her to ’emotional and psychological abuse’


    Former goalkeeper for the Utah Royals, Carly Nelson, took to social media to share her experiences of “emotional and psychological abuse” during her stint with the team.
    Nelson, age 26, was signed by the Royals for the 2024 season but only participated in one match for the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) team. Following the conclusion of the season, the Royals decided not to renew her contract, and she is now available as a free agent.

    In a detailed Instagram post released on Friday, Nelson expressed that she could no longer remain silent about the mental health challenges she faced while with the team.
    A native of Utah who previously played for the University of Utah, she mentioned that she took a leave of absence in May to focus on her mental well-being, a move she described as “not optional for me.”
    “It was simply the only way to endure the unending toxicity I experienced,” Nelson stated.

    In response to her allegations, the Royals issued a statement on Saturday emphasizing their commitment to fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere. They also emphasized the seriousness with which they treat any accusations that contradict this.
    Attempts to reach Nelson’s agency for comment were unsuccessful, but she indicated that she would expand on her experiences in future posts.

    Nelson highlighted in her message that her decision to prioritize her mental health led to retaliation and discrimination from the club, suggesting that their main concern was more about maintaining control than promoting accountability.
    Under a collective bargaining agreement established in 2022 between the NWSL and the players’ union, teams are required to provide paid mental health leave.

    The Royals expressed their sadness upon learning about Nelson’s troubling experiences, stating, “Every individual deserves a safe and supportive environment both on and off the field.”
    They affirmed their commitment to ensuring that all athletes, staff, and employees can work in a nurturing, healthy, and respectful environment.