Rumors intensify that Herbert Kickl, leader of Austria’s far right, may be tasked with forming a government.


    VIENNA — Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen announced on Sunday that he plans to hold discussions with Herbert Kickl, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party, amid rising speculation that he may ask Kickl to form a new government. This decision follows a meeting with Chancellor Karl Nehammer and other key officials at the presidential palace. Nehammer has indicated his resignation intentions after failed coalition negotiations between his party, the conservative Austrian People’s Party, and the center-left Social Democrats concerning the national budget.

    Although Nehammer has distanced himself from the idea of collaborating with Kickl, some members of his party appear to be more flexible in their stance. Earlier in the day, the People’s Party selected Christian Stocker as its interim leader, but President Van der Bellen confirmed that Nehammer would remain in his role as chancellor for the immediate future. The president expressed that his lengthy discussions with officials indicated a decrease in the number of voices within the People’s Party opposing cooperation with the Freedom Party under Kickl’s leadership.

    Given this shift, Van der Bellen feels that new possibilities have emerged in the political landscape, leading to his invitation for Kickl to meet on Monday morning. Kickl’s Freedom Party performed impressively in the recent national elections, garnering 29.2% of the total vote. However, Van der Bellen tasked Nehammer with the responsibility of forming a government, as other parties were unwilling to forge alliances with Kickl’s group. This decision drew sharp criticism from Kickl and his supporters, who believe it was unjust not to have been given the opportunity to lead the government formation efforts.

    Kickl remarked on Sunday via social media that the current political situation is not only confusing but also a serious breach of trust. He maintained that the Freedom Party is a stabilizing force in Austria, denying any accountability for the ongoing political chaos. Meanwhile, Stocker confirmed to reporters that he was unanimously elected as interim leader of the People’s Party and expressed his gratitude. He acknowledged the president’s decision to engage in talks with Kickl and hinted that the party that won the last election should rightfully be considered for government formation.

    Stocker indicated that they would accept any invitation for negotiations regarding the formation of a new government. Interestingly, in past statements, he had labeled Kickl as a “security risk” to the nation. In the Freedom Party’s election manifesto titled “Fortress Austria,” they advocate for “remigration of uninvited foreigners” and promote a more “homogeneous” society by emphasizing border control and emergency legislation to halt asylum applications.

    The Freedom Party has also stood against sanctions on Russia, criticized Western military support for Ukraine, and sought to withdraw from the European Sky Shield Initiative, a missile defense collaboration initiated by Germany. Notably, they previously established a friendship agreement with Putin’s United Russia Party back in 2016, which they now claim has expired. Kickl has positioned himself as a critic of the so-called “elites” in Brussels, calling for a repatriation of certain powers from the European Union back to Austria.

    Political tension intensified in the country on Friday when the liberal Neos party withdrew from coalition discussions with both the People’s Party and the Social Democrats. Attempts on Saturday to rekindle negotiations between these two parties, who hold a slender majority in Parliament, quickly fell apart after a few hours, as disagreements over budget repair remained unresolved.