Berlin Zoo Elephants Enjoy Christmas Feast with Leftover Trees


    BERLIN — The time has come for the elephants and other animals at the Berlin Zoo to open their Christmas gifts.
    On Friday, trees that remained unsold during the holiday season were presented to the animals in a cherished annual tradition. Elephants enthusiastically used their trunks to rip off branches, tossing them around their enclosure or nibbling on the fresh foliage.

    The zoo sources these trees exclusively from select vendors, ensuring they are fresh and free from any harmful chemicals or leftover decorations that may come from public donations.
    “These trees serve not only as a source of food but also as a way to stimulate and engage the animals,” explained Florian Sicks, the zoo’s mammal curator.

    “The animals can engage with the trees in various ways—whether it’s fighting with them, rubbing against them, or simply playing,” he continued. “This initiative allows us to enrich the daily lives of the animals, and they truly appreciate it.”

    While the elephants tend to feast heavily on the trees, other animals exhibit a more measured approach to their festive treats.
    This year marked a special occasion for the giraffes as they received their Christmas trees for the first time, suspended upside down at their head height. Max eagerly indulged in the treat, while his companion Mugambi seemed less convinced, cautiously inspecting the greenery.