UK airports impacted by foggy conditions leading to travel delays for passengers


    Travelers heading to and from the United Kingdom encountered significant disruptions and delays on Friday as foggy conditions impacted multiple airports across the region.

    NATS, which is responsible for air traffic control in the U.K., announced that several airports were operating under restrictions due to the widespread fog. To assist in managing the situation, an expert from the Met Office, the primary weather service in the U.K., has been brought in to provide up-to-date information.

    The three largest airports in the country—Heathrow and Gatwick in London, along with Manchester Airport—issued warnings regarding potential delays for travelers. A representative from Manchester Airport noted, “As with many airports nationwide, we have encountered some delays linked to the fog. Fortunately, most of these delays have been brief and have not significantly disrupted our flight schedule.”

    These restrictions come at a particularly busy time of year, with many individuals traveling for popular reasons such as returning from the Christmas holidays or preparing for New Year celebrations. The combination of holiday travel and adverse weather conditions has created challenges for both passengers and airport operators alike.