Blind Cat Saved from Icy Massachusetts Pond Thanks to Swift Action, Aged 20 Years


    A 20-year-old black-and-white cat named Tiki, who is blind, sparked concern when he was spotted floating on the ice of a pond in Massachusetts and subsequently fell in. Fortunately, the quick action of some nearby individuals led to his rescue.

    Dawn Felicani, a passerby, described the alarming moment, recalling how she heard cracking sounds coming from the ice, causing her distress. “I was like, hysterical,” she said. Suddenly, Tiki, with just his little head above water, plunged into the icy depths. Overwhelmed by emotion, she immediately contacted emergency services and a local animal control officer in Westford on Monday.

    A couple of construction workers at a nearby site sprang into action. One worker climbed into a rowboat while the other helped push him out toward the struggling cat. Utilizing a shovel, the worker maneuvered through the ice and was able to retrieve Tiki from the water safely.

    After the rescue, Tiki was taken inside, where he was gently dried off and wrapped in warm blankets. Animal control officer Kirsten Hirschler stated that the cat was in a state of shock, shivering, and lethargic. He was quickly taken to a veterinarian for examination, where it was discovered that his body temperature was so low that it could not be detected on the thermometer.

    Hirschler speculated that Tiki might have been frightened by a predator, which could have prompted him to venture onto the ice. His owner, John Arden, confirmed that Tiki usually does not stray far from home. Now, Tiki appears to be recovering well and seems unbothered by the ordeal.

    Arden and his wife have cared for Tiki since he was a kitten. Although he has been blind for about a year, he continues to navigate his surroundings adeptly. “He’s pretty annoyed that he can’t go back outside,” Arden noted, highlighting the feisty spirit of their beloved pet.