Bare-chested protesters against the Ukraine conflict arrested for damaging statue close to UN headquarters.

    GENEVA — On Friday, a protest organized by feminist activists resulted in the detention of at least three individuals, who were advocating against Russia’s ongoing military actions in Ukraine. The activists targeted a significant monument located outside the United Nations complex in Geneva, expressing their discontent with the U.N.’s perceived inaction in addressing the conflict.

    Among those involved were two bare-chested members of the group FEMEN, renowned for their attention-grabbing demonstrations. Using a chainsaw, they aimed at a prominent wooden monument known as the “Broken Chair.” This striking sculpture, standing at 12 meters (40 feet) tall and featuring a broken leg, serves as a poignant reminder of the devastation caused by landmines—a relevant issue in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

    The demonstrators, adorned with blue and yellow ribbons reflecting the colors of the Ukrainian flag, used their bodies as canvases for their messages, painting slogans such as “stop mines” and “F—- russia” on their torsos in the bitterly cold weather. Despite their heated protest, they chose not to engage in conversation with the media following their demonstration.

    Shortly after the protest, law enforcement apprehended at least three women, including one who appeared to be an associate of the protesting duo, as they arrived in three separate police vehicles.

    In a statement issued by FEMEN, the activists expressed their frustration with the United Nations, stating, “The U.N. was founded to uphold peace, yet its inability to intervene against aggression exacerbates the tragedy represented by the Broken Chair. This artwork symbolizes the human toll inflicted by anti-personnel mines.”

    Moreover, the group called for Russia’s removal from the United Nations due to its military invasion of Ukraine, which commenced on February 2022. They voiced their sentiments that “Ukraine has become a victim of betrayal and military aggression, and the world should not hide behind monuments while we are facing destruction.”