AP Race Update: Republican Nick Begich claims victory in Alaska’s at-large House seat, defeating current representative Mary Peltola.


    On Wednesday, Republican candidate Nick Begich secured a victory for a U.S. House seat in Alaska, successfully overcoming Democratic incumbent Mary Peltola and reversing a prior loss for the GOP. Begich, who received an endorsement from former President Donald Trump, was among the candidates Peltola triumphed over during the 2022 elections. It is worth noting that Peltola, who is of Yup’ik descent, made history as the first Alaska Native to serve in Congress.

    Earlier this year, during the all-party primary, Begich faced challenges as he contended for the Republican votes against fellow Republican and Lieutenant Governor Nancy Dahlstrom. However, following Dahlstrom’s decision to exit the race, Begich became the sole Republican candidate on the ballot among the four contenders participating in the general election.

    The Associated Press confirmed Begich’s win at 9:28 p.m. EST, marking a significant shift in representation for Alaska and the Republican Party in Congress.