Vermont: Police vehicle hits and fatality occurs involving a cyclist towing a trailer


    A tragic accident occurred in South Burlington, Vermont, where a bicyclist towing a trailer lost his life after being hit by a police vehicle.
    The incident took place shortly before 3 a.m. on U.S. Highway 7, with the officer involved being a sergeant from the Shelburne Police Department. Reports indicate that the officer was traveling southbound when he collided with the bicyclist, who was also heading in the same direction. At the time of the accident, weather conditions included rain, darkness, and wet road surfaces, as indicated by state police in their announcements regarding the incident.
    The victim has been identified as Sean Hayes, a 38-year-old resident of Burlington, who tragically died at the scene of the collision. The officer involved in the accident is Kyle Kapitanski, aged 41.
    Authorities from the state police, including a crash reconstruction team and criminal division, are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident. They are appealing to anyone who may have witnessed the event to come forward and provide information.
    When reached for comments on Tuesday, Sergeant Kapitanski chose not to speak about the incident. Additionally, a message inquiring about his employment status was left with the Shelburne Police Department.
    Kapitanski joined the Shelburne Police force in 2022 and has had a varied career within Vermont’s law enforcement community, having worked in multiple police and sheriff’s departments across the state. He had most recently held the position of police chief in Richmond before his current role.