Structural collapse amid downpour in southern Indian city claims five workers’ lives.


    BENGALURU, India — A seven-story structure that was under construction has collapsed in southern India amid intense monsoon showers, resulting in the deaths of at least five laborers and leaving three others trapped, according to police reports from Wednesday.

    Authorities indicated that rescue efforts have successfully extracted 13 individuals thus far, thanks to the efforts of fire and disaster response teams. The catastrophic event transpired on Tuesday in the Babusapalya neighborhood of Bengaluru, which is known as a significant hub for the country’s information technology sector.

    The investigation into the reasons behind the building’s failure is currently underway. Issues like these are frequent during the monsoon months, which extend from June to September, in India. Regulatory oversight tends to be lax, and some construction practices involve cutting corners, employing inferior materials, or improperly adding extra floors, all of which can lead to dangerous structural failures.