Donald Trump showcases ‘Full Metal Jacket’ scenes to illustrate his vision of the military


    Donald Trump is leveraging a famous character from cinema to promote his vision of a formidable military while also poking fun at the Biden administration’s acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals in the military.

    At his recent rallies, Trump has showcased a video featuring scenes from R. Lee Ermey’s iconic role as Marine Gunnery Sgt. Hartman in Stanley Kubrick’s 1987 film “Full Metal Jacket.” Ermey’s character is notorious for his aggressive and often offensive remarks directed at new recruits.

    In the video, clips of Ermey’s character are labeled “THEN,” and are contrasted with footage of various individuals advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and drag performers, marked “NOW” and “THE BIDEN HARRIS MILITARY.” The presentation culminates with a poignant scene from the film, featuring recruits preparing for deployment to Vietnam, concluding with the tagline “LET’S MAKE OUR MILITARY GREAT AGAIN.” This video has been a recurring feature at several of Trump’s rallies and was also shared by him on social media last Saturday.

    Trump frequently criticizes the increasing acceptance surrounding transgender rights, including discussions of pronouns and participation of transgender women in female sports. By targeting these issues, he draws significant applause at his events as he vows to impose restrictions. Earlier this month, Trump expressed admiration for Ermey, acknowledging his history as a drill sergeant in the Marines prior to his acting career.

    “He deserved to win an Academy Award,” Trump told supporters in Wisconsin, attributing his lack of recognition to being outside of the establishment.

    While Trump employs the film to depict his ideal military, it’s important to note that “Full Metal Jacket” is widely regarded as an anti-war narrative. This is particularly significant considering that Trump had received medical deferments during the Vietnam War while attending the New York Military Academy.

    Vivian Kubrick, daughter of the late director, expressed her belief that her father would have understood and perhaps even condoned Trump’s use of the film to advocate for military strength. “FMJ explores complex aspects of human nature,” she shared on social media.

    “Given the harsh realities of our world, a strong military is essential. I maintain that the inclusion of FMJ footage is meant to highlight its stark and real depiction of boot camp, especially in contrast to the troubling influence of WOKE ideologies within the U.S. military,” she added, indicating that her sentiments align with her father’s perspective.

    However, co-star Matthew Modine, who portrayed Private Joker in “Full Metal Jacket” and appears in some segments of Trump’s video, voiced his disagreement. He criticized Trump for misusing the film’s powerful anti-war message, claiming that it has been converted into a harmful and manipulative tool that spreads homophobic propaganda.