America’s Cup race ends in a tie after wind conditions cause delays


    America’s Cup officials took action during the third race between INEOS Britannia and Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli of Italy in Barcelona, Spain, as winds subsided, making it impossible for either team to complete the race within the designated time limit on Saturday.
    INEOS Britannia from Britain was ahead in the race when both yachts lost their foils and were only able to move at a slow pace. Consequently, the race had to be stopped as neither team could finish within the 45-minute time frame that commences after leg one of six in the race.
    The Italian supporters on the shore cheered as it was announced that the race would be halted due to the lack of a winner within the time limit, maintaining the challenger final at a tie of 1-1. The rescheduled race three was postponed to Sunday.
    Unlike the strong gusts on Friday that propelled the boats along the Barcelona coastline at speeds of up to 50 knots (57 mph/90 kph), the sailing conditions changed significantly on Saturday.
    Race organizers struggled to begin the race on Saturday, delaying it for two hours until the winds picked up slightly, just enough to surpass the 6.5 knot minimum speed requirement. However, during leg five of the race, both boats dropped off their foils and were unable to recover.
    The team that reaches seven wins first will be awarded the Louis Vuitton Cup and will have the opportunity to challenge the defending champion, Team Emirates New Zealand, for the America’s Cup next month.