12-year-old boy kills black bear attacking father while hunting in western Wisconsin


    In a harrowing incident near a hunting cabin in the wooded area of western Wisconsin, a 12-year-old boy made a courageous move by shooting and killing a wounded black bear that was attacking his father. The father, Ryan Beierman, 43, found himself trapped beneath the 200-pound bear when his son, Owen, took action with his hunting rifle. Beierman, who sustained multiple bites to his forehead, arm, and leg, acknowledged his son’s heroic act in saving him.

    The dangerous encounter began when Beierman and Owen encountered the bear from a tree stand near Siren, Wisconsin. After Owen initially wounded the bear with a shot, the animal fled. Subsequently, the duo searched for the injured bear, and with the help of a neighbor’s tracking dog, they attempted to locate it. However, the situation took a drastic turn when the bear charged at them suddenly from a short distance away.

    Despite Beierman’s efforts to defend himself by firing multiple shots from his pistol, the bear continued its attack. Eventually, Owen stepped in and fired a shot from his rifle, effectively ending the bear’s assault on his father. The entire ordeal lasted for around 45 seconds, during which Beierman sustained significant injuries, including bites and a ripped cheek that required 23 stitches.

    Following the attack, a neighbor assisted Beierman and Owen in reaching a hospital where Beierman received medical treatment for his wounds. A conservation officer from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources confirmed that the hunting activity was conducted in accordance with the law. The incident serves as a testament to Owen’s quick thinking and bravery in a life-threatening situation, ultimately saving his father from the bear’s attack.