Lin-Manuel Miranda and Eisa Davis discuss their ‘Warriors’ music album featuring Lauryn Hill


    Most New Yorkers have a memory of watching the film “The Warriors” for the first time, according to Lin-Manuel Miranda. The 1979 cult classic centers around a street gang falsely accused of killing a rival gang’s leader as they journey back to their home turf in Coney Island. Miranda and Eisa Davis are set to release a musical concept album titled “Warriors” on Oct. 18, inspired by the film but with a twist. Notably, Lauryn Hill portrays Cyrus, and the Warriors gang is portrayed by an all-female cast including Kenita Miller, Sasha Hutchings, Phillipa Soo, Aneesa Folds, Amber Gray, Gizel Jiménez, Jasmine Cephas Jones, and Julia Harriman.

    In an interview, Davis expressed that the album explores themes of unity and peace that resonate with the essence of New York. Miranda shared that the idea for the project originated from a college classmate’s suggestion back in 2009, and the collaboration between him and Davis began in early 2022. They chose to create an album to allow listeners to visualize the story without needing to see a live performance, drawing inspiration from the tradition of musicals starting as concept albums, like “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Hadestown.”

    One of the intriguing aspects of the project is the gender-swapping of key characters. Miranda explained that flipping the genders added layers of complexity to the narrative, particularly in exploring themes of disbelief and perseverance. Davis highlighted the importance of showcasing women in roles typically reserved for men while maintaining a focus on unity and peace amid chaos.

    Getting Lauryn Hill on board to portray Cyrus was a significant coup for the project, with both Miranda and Davis admiring her artistry and authority as a fitting representation of the character. The duo carefully approached Hill’s participation, crafting a letter with care and eventually collaborating with her on the album. While there are no plans for a film adaptation, Miranda expressed openness to exploring a stage adaptation of the album in the future, emphasizing the immersive storytelling experience it offers to listeners.

    The “Warriors” cast for the musical concept album includes Lauryn Hill as Cyrus, Kenita Miller as Cochise, Sasha Hutchings as Cowgirl, Phillipa Soo as Fox, Aneesa Folds as Cleon, Amber Gray as Ajaz, Gizel Jiménez as Rembrandt, Jasmine Cephas Jones as Swan, and Julia Harriman as Mercy.