The mysterious disappearance of 30-year-old Hannah Kobayashi has taken a perplexing turn, with her family now exploring the possibility of a green card marriage scam involving her ex-boyfriend and new husband. The Hawaii-based photographer was reported missing in November after she failed to board a connecting flight from Los Angeles to New York and was later seen crossing into Mexico.
Allegations of deceit and financial loss
According to a report by Los Angeles Magazine, Kobayashi may have been involved in a green card visa scheme orchestrated by her ex-boyfriend and her newlywed husband, Argentinian national Alan Cacace. The family claims Hannah’s final text messages suggest she was “tricked” into handing over her funds to someone she “thought she loved.” In one alarming message, she wrote about “deep hackers” wiping her identity and stealing her money.
Kobayashi’s new husband and his girlfriend were reportedly traveling alongside her ex-boyfriend during her disappearance, raising suspicions about their involvement. The family found immigration-related documents among her belongings and has since turned them over to the FBI for investigation.
Surveillance footage and troubling developments
Surveillance footage confirmed that Kobayashi purchased a ticket to Mexico at Union Station in Los Angeles before crossing the border on foot. Police later reclassified her case as “voluntarily missing,” noting her previously expressed desire to “disconnect” from modern life.
“Hannah made deliberate moves to step away from connectivity,” said LAPD officer Douglas Oldfield, referencing her social media posts about wanting to live off the grid.
A heartbreaking twist
The search for Kobayashi has been fraught with tragedy. Her father, Ryan Kobayashi, who had joined the search efforts in Los Angeles, died by suicide on November 25 near the airport. The devastating loss compounded the family’s anguish as they continued their efforts to locate Hannah.
Ongoing investigation and unanswered questions
Hannah’s family, working closely with detectives and legal counsel, is pursuing all leads, including the green card marriage scam theory. However, they have not yet confirmed the legitimacy of the alleged marriage or any direct connection to her disappearance.
Authorities maintain there is no evidence suggesting she was trafficked or the victim of a crime. LAPD Chief Jim McDonnell urged Kobayashi to contact her family or law enforcement, emphasizing her right to privacy if she chose to leave voluntarily.
Call for information
As the search continues, the family asks anyone with information about Hannah’s whereabouts to contact the RAD Movement hotline at 619-904-0840. Despite the challenges, they remain committed to bringing her home safely.