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The final hours of Liam Payne: A series of tragedies and disappointments – did he really commit suicide or was he just completely drunk and drugged ?

The tragic death of One Direction-Singer Liam Payne becomes more and more mysterious as more and more details about the tragic final days, before he jumped from the third-floor-balcony in his Argentinian hotel emerge.

Payne had to endure a lot of terrible events in the days before his death – all this happened in the very last week::

– First his Public Relation team ended the cooperation with the singer – he was left alone without any representative or PR-staff.

Liam Payne @AmericaTV
Liam Payne @AmericaTV, security cams from hotel, right before his deadly jump

– Then his record  company – Universal – terminated the solo record contract with the singer, leaving him without any further advance payment and any more chance to produce a new album. They told him, he was „not successful enough“ and „not reliable enough“.

– Then his ex-girlfriend sued him with an armada of lawyers, sending him a distracting order and lawsuits that he was not allowed to speak to and about her anymore – the lawyer costs alone would be more than 50.000 dollars.

Liam Payne, Hotel Argentina, @Reuters
Liam Payne, Hotel Argentina, @Reuters, the hotel and the exact (see red circle) balcony where he jumped off

. And at the end, his last hold in this crumbling world, his beloved girlfriend Kate Cassidy left him three days before his death – and flew alone home from Argentina. Cassidy had been with Liam for nearly two years, she spent the last two weeks with him in Argentina, where he initially only wanted to see a concert and meet his ex-One-Direction-band member at a concert in Buenos Aires but extended his stay from five days to „undefined“ – without any explanation.

Kim Cassidy decided after two weeks that she wanted do go home to Miami, where the couple has rented a house. Obviously the pair had a bis dispute, maybe Cassidy even may have told him that their relationship is ending.

Liam Payne @AmericaTV
Liam Payne @AmericaTV, the smashed TV in his hotel room.

A friend of Liam and Kate says, that Liam Payne allegedly pleaded with his girlfriend to stay with him in Argentina and begged her „on his knees“ not to leave him. „Liam didn’t want Kate to leave Argentina. He wanted and begged her to stay!“

The friend says: „The couple’s exchange was actually much more heated than you’s think!“

Liam should have been in tears after Kate left – the friend: „He was desperate!“

The following night Liam Payne invited two prostitutes to his room for sex and drugs. And the day after he was „completely out of control“, one hotel employee said to the police.

Liam Payne first went to the lobby and went berserk, than he was escorted from hotel personal to the room (One employee: „He was completely drunk, could hardly stand!“).

Liam Payne @AmericaTV
Liam Payne @AmericaTV, various drugs and tools found in the hotel room

In the room Liam smashed the television, demolished the furniture and the bed, took obviously huge amounts of more drugs – smashed the room, terrorized the neighbors and went to the balcony, threatening to neighbors to jump down.

When the neighbors alarmed the lobby, the concierge gave an SOS-call to the local police asking for an immediate assistance. He said on the phone: „We have a guest who is completely out of control and drunk and drugged. We fear the worst. The hotel has a balcony and it might be possible that he throws himself down!“

Liam Payne @AmericaTV
Liam Payne @AmericaTV, Drugs found in his hotel room

While the hotel employee was still phoning with the police, Liam jumped. If he fall over the balcony accidentally, if he wanted to jump – completely drugged and drunk – into the hotel-pool in the courtyard, three floors down. Or if he really committed suicide – already nearly without consciousness out of his drug- and alcohol-consumption – that is still a mystery.

Some of his closest friends believe he took his life out of desperation: „All of that was to much for him – he was too sensible to endure all of this pain he got in the last days!“

– First the termination of his record contract by Universal and the walk-out of his PR-team – which left him without any chances for a music career, a record success and even an income in the next future. Actually Liams must career was over after the end of this contract – no other record label would work with him after this disaster.

Liam Payne @AmericaTV
Liam Payne @AmericaTV , Last photo, he was already angry and concerning the hotel staff and guests.

– Then the incredible humiliating lawsuit by his ex-fiancée Maya Henry. Henry, 23, issued a cease-and-desist-order against the former One Direction singer. In a long Tik-Tok-Video the former model told ten thousand fans that Liam Payne „terrorized me, bombarded me with phone calls from different phone numbers, and weaponized his fans against me!“

In this video Henry destroyed the image of Payne as a nice guy and portrayed him as a psychic terrorist against a woman.

– The final straw was obviously that Liams actual girlfriend Kate Cassidy left him few days before his death after a lot of controversies about the lengths of their stay and maybe the video of his ex-fiancee.

Then followed 48 hours of prostitutes, drugs (mostly cocaine) and drinks (mostly whiskey). After that Liam Payne was out of control, nearly unconsciousness – and then he jumped….

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Tamara Fellner

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