Home Stars & Entertainment One member of renowned Australian same-sex penguin couple, Sphen, passes away at...

One member of renowned Australian same-sex penguin couple, Sphen, passes away at the age of 11


In Melbourne, Australia, Sphen, the older half of a well-known same-sex penguin partnership that gained fame in Australian schoolbooks and a yearly LGBTQ+ rights march, has passed away at the age of 11, as reported by a Sydney aquarium on Thursday. Sphen and his male gentoo penguin companion Magic, who is now 8 years old, received global attention in 2018 for constructing a pebble nest in hopes of raising offspring at their residence in the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium.

Interest in the pair grew when they successfully hatched two chicks in 2018 and 2020. Their relationship was commemorated with a float in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, incorporated into the New South Wales state education program, and featured in the Netflix series “Atypical.” The tale of Sphen and Magic has been documented in various publications and film projects.

Penguin partners commonly share parental responsibilities, and same-sex pairs in captivity have sporadically adopted eggs in the past. The aquarium announced Sphen’s passing earlier this month without specifying the date or cause of death. The typical lifespan of this species is between 12 to 13 years, the aquarium confirmed.

The general manager of the aquarium, Richard Dilly, hailed Sphen as an “icon” who made a positive impact on the world due to his exceptional bond with Magic. Dilly expressed gratitude for the opportunity to host admirers from near and far who traveled long distances to witness the penguin couple in person.

Sphen and Magic’s affectionate partnership intrigued many due to its uniqueness, as they were often seen together even outside of the breeding season, a rare occurrence among gentoo penguins, according to Dilly. Following Sphen’s death, caretakers allowed Magic to see his companion’s body to help him comprehend their separation during the next breeding season.

Upon being shown Sphen, Magic began to vocalize, prompting other penguins to join in, creating a poignant moment, shared aquarium supervisor Renee Howell. Witnessing the emotional display, Howell noted that hardly a dry eye could be found in the penguin enclosure at that instant.




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