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Tips for minimizing jet lag effects and making the most of your travel hours


Jet lag is a common problem for many travelers, impacting their ability to fully enjoy their trips. When traveling across different time zones, the body’s biological clocks face disruption, leading to the symptoms of jet lag. Researchers like Sofia Axelrod from Rockefeller University explain that the body’s internal clock is regulated by light and dark patterns, with light receptor cells in the retina transmitting signals to the brain. Adjusting to a new time zone can take time, causing jet lag symptoms during the transition period.

Preventing jet lag can be challenging, but flying in premium cabins where passengers can rest comfortably may help. Timing flights can also play a role, with experts suggesting traveling from Europe to North America during the day to align with evening arrival, allowing for a conducive night’s sleep. Flying on newer aircraft models like the Airbus A350 or Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which offer a more comfortable cabin atmosphere, can also reduce travel fatigue.

Upon arrival at a destination, exposure to natural sunlight is crucial for resetting the body clock. Managing light exposure in the morning or early evening can help advance or delay the body clock accordingly. While napping is acceptable, long siestas later in the day may disrupt nighttime sleep. Supplements like melatonin, which can aid in adjusting the internal clock faster, are available in some countries with a prescription requirement.

To cope with jet lag effects, business travelers are advised to arrive a day or two before important meetings to mitigate the impact of impaired decision-making and reduced alertness. Similarly, tourists should prioritize rest before engaging in activities that demand concentration, such as driving. Maximizing light exposure and moderate caffeine consumption are strategies recommended by experts like Russell Foster from Oxford University to combat jet lag symptoms and enhance alertness in new time zones.




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