Spencer Collart, a dedicated and ambitious Marine, joined the military straight out of high school with a strong desire to serve his country and pursue his dream of becoming a pilot. He formed close bonds with his fellow Marines, including Lance Cpl. Evan Strickland and Cpl. Jonah Waser, whom he trained and served alongside.
Despite the risks associated with flying the V-22 Osprey, an aircraft with a troubled history and previous fatal accidents, Spencer remained committed to his duties and excelled in his role. He was known for taking on challenging tasks without hesitation and always striving to improve himself.
Following the crash in Australia that took Spencer’s life, his family and friends mourned his loss deeply. Waser, one of Spencer’s closest friends, later formed a special connection with Spencer’s sister, Gwyneth Collart, and the two eventually got married in a touching ceremony overlooking Arlington National Cemetery.
The Collart family continues to cherish Spencer’s memory and the incredible impact he had on those around him. His bravery and selflessness in the face of danger serve as a testament to his character and unwavering dedication to his role as a Marine.