The comedy rock duo Tenacious D, consisting of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, has decided to cancel the remainder of their tour following Gass’ controversial remarks regarding the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Gass made the comments during a concert in Sydney where he joked about not missing Trump next time, alluding to the recent rally shooting incident. The video of Gass’ statement quickly spread on social media platforms.
Jack Black, in a statement posted on Instagram on Tuesday, expressed his shock at Gass’ words and emphasized that he does not support hate speech or violence of any kind. Black announced the decision to halt the Tenacious D tour and put all future creative plans on hold, thanking fans for their ongoing support and understanding.
Following Black’s statement, Kyle Gass issued an apology on Instagram, acknowledging that his impromptu comment in Sydney was inappropriate and a serious error in judgment. Gass stressed that he does not endorse any form of violence and expressed deep regret for his actions.
Having recently completed shows in the U.S. and Europe, Tenacious D’s “Spicy Meatball Tour” was scheduled to continue in Australia and New Zealand, followed by a few dates in the U.S. in October. However, the band’s touring company, Frontier Touring, announced that the concert in Newcastle would be postponed, advising ticket holders to retain their tickets for further updates.
No further comments were provided by the band’s representative, and details about refunds for the canceled tour dates were not immediately available. Tenacious D has faced backlash and repercussions for the remarks made during the concert, leading to the decision to cease the remainder of their tour engagements.
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