Celebrities Dustin Hoffman and Patrick Mahomes were spotted at Wimbledon on Friday, watching the match between Carlos Alcaraz and Frances Tiafoe on Centre Court. Hoffman, 86, was seated in the Royal Box, reserved for special guests, while Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, were among the spectators. The match took place amidst interruptions due to showers, with the retractable roof on Centre Court ensuring the game proceeded without being affected by the weather. Hoffman, an Oscar-winning actor known for his role in “Rain Man,” has previously attended Wimbledon, watching Serena Williams in 2012. Mahomes, the quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs and a three-time Super Bowl champion, had also been present at a Morgan Wallen concert in London’s Hyde Park the day before. Other notable figures in attendance included composer Andrew Lloyd Webber and Prince Michael of Kent.
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