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Big disappointment after Iowa: Niki Haley is under pressure now in New Hampshire and South Dakota 

The Nikki Haley-camp showed deep disappointment after the Iowa results yesterday.

All political advisers of Nikki and her team had expected that she would beat Ron DeSantis and come in on second place. But she only made a disappointing third place.

One of her aides said: “The momentum, all the late polls are on our side – but the terrible weather and the record cold kept many of our voters at home. Ron DeSantis and Trump had the better organisation and more hard core voters.”

So Nikki Haley has to show a very strong performance now in the next three GOP-primaris in New Hampshire, Nevada and her home-state of South Carolina.

Especially the primary in New Hampshire in one week – on January 23 – will be deciding for the fate of Nikki Haleys presidential campaign.

Some polls give Nikki in New Hampshire already a small lead in the race against Donald Trump. Most of the others show a head-to-head-race between Trump and Haley.

Trump himself predicts a Trump-win with  more than 10 percent, based after his own polls.

New Hampshire has the best possibilities for a Haley-success: It is the only state where every voter of other parties – especially Democrats – can participate at the GOP-primary. So al lot of Trump-Haters will got to the NH-primary to vote against Donald.

If Haley wins N ew Hampshire she will become a strong momentum in the GOP-primary, especially because the next primary (after Nevada) on February 24 will be in her home state South Carolina where she has also very good results in the first polls.

If Haley loses New Hampshire against Trump with more than 10 points and subsequently also loses South Carolina her campaign is over. And Trump will secure the Republican nomination already in March.

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