In Dubai, Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, was recently detained in France, adding to the mystery due to his collection of various citizenships. Durov, a self-proclaimed free-speech advocate, created Telegram, utilized by some to organize protests in countries like Iran and Russia. While his net worth is estimated at $15.5 billion, Western governments accuse the app of aiding criminals. Durov has passports from Russia, France, the UAE, and Saint Kitts and Nevis. He was released from French custody after being arrested on allegations of Telegram’s involvement in criminal activities.
Durov started seeking multiple citizenships over a decade ago following a dispute over VKontakte, a social media platform in Russia. After resigning and leaving VK for good, he obtained a residency visa in Dubai and a passport from Saint Kitts and Nevis, known for being a tax haven and offering visa-free travel to the EU. By 2017, Durov was living in Dubai full-time, where his Telegram office operates from Dubai Media City. He obtained Emirati citizenship, a rarity in a country where 90% of residents are foreigners.
In 2021, Durov became a French citizen, although the details of his naturalization process are sealed from the public. He may have qualified for French citizenship as a “merited foreigner,” recognizing his contributions to France’s global influence and economic relations. Durov’s meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in 2018 hinted at discussions about developing his activities in France. Nonetheless, many details about his citizenships and relationships remain unclear, showcasing Durov’s penchant for privacy and image control.
France and the UAE share a strong military bond, with French forces stationed in Abu Dhabi and Emirati forces using French military equipment. Despite the intertwined relationships, the arrest of Durov stirred online rumors, falsely linking it to an arms deal between the two countries. Durov has consistently evaded public scrutiny by restricting access to his offices and managing his public portrayal.
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