Extended pub hours in England and Wales may be implemented for Women’s Euros, leading to more victories and celebrations.


    LONDON — Soccer enthusiasts across England and Wales may have the chance to enjoy extended time in pubs if their national teams perform well in the upcoming Women’s European Championship set for July in Switzerland.

    The UK government is initiating a four-week consultation to explore the possibility of allowing pubs to extend their closing times from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the event that either England or Wales progresses to the semifinals or final during Euro 2025.

    According to government officials, the home secretary possesses the authority to modify licensing hours for occasions deemed of “exceptional international, national or local significance.” This measure was announced on Monday.

    The England women’s soccer team, affectionately known as the Lionesses, aims to defend the championship title they claimed at home in 2022, marking the nation’s first significant international victory since the men’s team lifted the World Cup trophy in 1966.

    Diana Johnson, the policing minister, expressed her sentiment by stating, “The Lionesses showed us in 2022 what it means to bring football home, and now we want to make sure the whole nation can come together again to cheer on our teams.”

    During the consultation, feedback will be gathered from the public, licensing bodies, and the hospitality sector before any changes are authorized by officials.

    Leaders in the hospitality industry believe that later pub hours would offer much-needed support during challenging economic times for their businesses.

    Michael Kill, the chief executive of the Night Time Industries Association, remarked, “The exponential growth in the popularity of women’s football presents an incredible moment for both the sport and the night-time economy. The success of the Lionesses in recent years has inspired a new generation of supporters, and it is only right that we embrace this enthusiasm by ensuring fans have the opportunity to enjoy the matches in social settings.”

    Euro 2025 is scheduled to take place from July 2 through July 27.