NEW DELHI — A well-known actor from southern India was granted bail on Saturday, following his arrest the previous day in relation to a tragic stampede that resulted in the death of a woman during the premiere of his film. The incident occurred on December 4 at a screening of “Pushpa 2: The Rule” in Hyderabad, Telangana, where a 35-year-old woman lost her life, and her 8-year-old son sustained serious injuries.
The actor, identified as Allu Arjun, faced legal action after the deceased woman’s husband accused him, his security personnel, and the theater management of failing to notify the police about his attendance at the event, which led to an unexpectedly large turnout of fans. The police charged all parties involved, including the actor’s security and the theater staff, with culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
In connection with the incident, authorities have also apprehended the owner of the theater along with two of his employees. Initially, a local court sentenced Arjun to 14 days in prison; however, the Telangana High Court intervened just hours later by granting him bail. Unfortunately, he had to spend one additional night in jail as prison officials did not receive the bail order until late on Friday, according to reports.
The unfortunate stampede occurred shortly after the 41-year-old actor surprised fans with an unscheduled appearance at the theater, causing a mass rush as fans flocked to see him. This excitement led to the collapse of the theater’s main entrance, triggering the stampede.
Although the actor has not publicly addressed the police allegations or his detainment, he did express his sorrow about the event on social media, stating he was “heartbroken by the tragic incident.” Furthermore, he pledged a financial contribution of approximately $29,000 to support the family of the deceased woman and promised to cover the medical expenses for her injured child.
Tragically, stampedes have become a frequent occurrence in India, particularly in situations where large crowds gather in confined spaces with inadequate infrastructure and safety protocols.