Key information on the testimonies regarding the Titan submarine tragedy


    Last year, a tragic incident occurred in the Atlantic Ocean where five individuals lost their lives when the submersible they were on imploded while attempting to view the Titanic wreckage. The investigation by a Coast Guard panel into the Titan submersible disaster has entered its second week of testimonies. Previous witnesses have raised concerns about the possible ignorance of warning signs leading up to the accident.

    During the proceedings, it was revealed that NASA and Boeing had limited involvement in the creation of the submersible Titan, despite earlier claims by the co-founder of OceanGate linking the project to these aerospace entities. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NASA was unable to participate in building and testing the carbon fiber hull of the submersible. Boeing was initially involved in a feasibility study for the use of carbon fiber in the hull and the installation of acoustic sensors but later parted ways with OceanGate.

    Amber Bay, a key employee at OceanGate, emphasized to the panel that while there was an urgency to fulfill their commitments, the company would not jeopardize the safety of individuals during dives. She expressed deep remorse for the lives lost in the tragedy and referred to the clients as “mission specialists” and “explorers,” highlighting the personal connection she had with them.

    Guillermo Sohnlein, the co-founder of OceanGate, expressed hope that the incident would not deter further exploration efforts in the deep ocean. He emphasized the company’s original goal of expanding humanity’s access to the ocean depths and stressed the importance of continued exploration.

    Testimony from experts revealed the challenges associated with the use of carbon fiber in submersibles, including its susceptibility to fatigue failure. The lead engineer of the Titan expressed reluctance to pilot the submersible due to concerns about its readiness and safety protocols.

    Further revelations came to light about the Titan experiencing mechanical issues before the fatal dive, as well as concerns raised by an employee that may have gone unnoticed by authorities. Despite differing perspectives from witnesses, the tragic event underscored the complexities and risks involved in deep-sea exploration endeavors.