French prosecutors are expected to make a decision on charging or releasing Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, after his police custody order ends on Wednesday. Durov was detained at Le Bourget airport in Paris due to a judicial inquiry involving 12 alleged criminal violations, including accusations of child sexual abuse material distribution, drug trafficking, fraud, aiding organized crime transactions, and refusal to cooperate with investigators. French law allows holding Durov for questioning for up to 96 hours, with a possible extension of 48 hours, after which he must be released or charged.
His arrest in France has sparked backlash in Russia, where some officials see it as politically motivated. This contrasts with the attempted ban on Telegram by Russian authorities in 2018, which was later lifted in 2020. Meanwhile, in Iran, where Telegram remains popular despite being officially banned, the arrest prompted comments from Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praising France for being strict against those who violate internet governance.
French President Emmanuel Macron stated that Durov’s arrest is part of an independent investigation and not politically motivated. Telegram has stated that it operates within EU laws and industry standards regarding content moderation. Durov, a citizen of multiple countries, including Russia and France, has received support from the UAE and Russia, with the Kremlin offering assistance as a Russian citizen.
Telegram, founded by Durov and his brother, has nearly a billion users globally and has faced scrutiny for content moderation issues. The platform gained popularity in Russia after Durov’s conflicts with Russian authorities led him to leave the country. Telegram has been a vital tool for communication and news sharing in Ukraine, particularly during times of conflict.
Critics have raised concerns about Telegram’s lack of content moderation, potentially enabling illegal activities. In 2022, Germany imposed fines on Telegram for not complying with local laws requiring a system for reporting illegal content and appointing a representative in Germany for official communication. This regulatory scrutiny reflects ongoing challenges faced by messaging platforms in navigating legal requirements in various jurisdictions.
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