Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, was arrested in Paris over the weekend on allegations of his platform being used for illicit activities like drug trafficking and child sexual abuse image distribution. Durov, a citizen of France, Russia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and the UAE, was taken into custody at Paris-Le Bourget Airport after arriving from Azerbaijan.
Telegram, responding to the arrest, stated it complies with EU laws and continually improves its content moderation, emphasizing Durov’s transparency and frequent travels in Europe. Telegram, launched in 2013 by Pavel and his brother Nikolai, offers encrypted communications but not by default. It boasts over 950 million active users and allows group chats of up to 200,000 members.
Durov’s arrest in France is part of a judicial inquiry into 12 alleged criminal offenses, including involvement in child sexual abuse materials distribution and drug trafficking. Russian officials have expressed concern over the detention, some labeling it politically driven. However, the Kremlin has refrained from commenting until official charges are announced.
Telegram has faced criticism for its content moderation practices, with Western governments highlighting potential risks like money laundering and child exploitation. Germany imposed fines on Telegram for non-compliance with reporting illegal content, while Brazil briefly suspended the app for failing to provide data on neo-Nazi activities.
Elon Musk has shown support for Durov, emphasizing the platform owner’s lack of direct responsibility for misuse. Telegram has pledged to address the situation promptly, reaffirming its commitment to its users. The messaging service has been scrutinized for its approach to law enforcement requests and content moderation, contrasting with platforms like WhatsApp known for their end-to-end encryption and compliance with regulations.
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