In Covina, California, a tragic incident unfolded over the weekend as two family dogs fatally attacked a 5-year-old girl at her residence. The authorities were alerted and arrived at the scene around noon on Sunday, discovering the child injured in the backyard of the home, located east of Los Angeles, as reported by the local sheriff’s department.
Emergency responders quickly transported the girl to a nearby hospital; however, she was pronounced dead shortly before 1:30 p.m. Investigators have identified the dogs involved in the attack as a 10-year-old Rottweiler and a 6-year-old Rottweiler mix. Additionally, there were two other dogs residing in the household, all of which were subsequently taken into custody by the authorities.
Despite having lived alongside these dogs her entire life without any previous incidents, this heartbreaking event highlights the unpredictability of certain situations. Reports indicate that another family member sustained minor injuries during the incident.
At this time, investigators do not consider foul play to be a factor in the case, although inquiries are ongoing to fully understand the circumstances surrounding the attack. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers inherent in interactions between pets and young children, prompting discussions about safety and supervision in homes where animals reside.