Home Sport live NFL NFL revises its drug policy, raising thresholds for positive THC tests.

NFL revises its drug policy, raising thresholds for positive THC tests.


The NFL has reached an agreement with the players’ union to revise its substance abuse policy, specifically increasing the threshold for a positive cannabis test. This update was communicated to agents and players via a memo on Wednesday.

The threshold for a positive test regarding THC, the active compound in marijuana responsible for its psychoactive effects, has been raised from 150 ng/ml to 350 ng/ml, as stated in the memo which surfaced in the media.

According to the new guidelines, teams will only be notified of the results related to violations from positive tests or missed tests, without any specifics regarding the substance that triggered the positive outcome.

The medical director has also been granted the authority to perform fentanyl testing on players when deemed clinically necessary, though there will be no disciplinary action for testing positive for this drug. Conversely, failure to attend a mandatory meeting concerning fentanyl will result in a $15,000 fine.

Moreover, the penalties for missed tests have been adjusted. The fine for a second missed test has been reduced from a game suspension to a flat fee of $45,000. Players can reset their count of missed tests to zero after a certain duration without further infractions.

For those players dealing with outstanding disciplinary actions due to missed tests, all such instances will be forgiven, effectively treating them as if no tests were missed.

There has also been a clarification regarding the inappropriate use of prescription medications. Players will face a $15,000 fine if they record and share the testing collection process on social media.

Additionally, the league and the NFL Players Association have adjusted the guidelines concerning performance-enhancing substances. The timeframe between the notification of a test and its actual occurrence has been lengthened. In certain cases, players who are under suspension may be reinstated and receive compensation, even if they continue to test positive.